
Showing posts from February, 2023

Mind Power and Jainism

  The mind power and Jainism This article is published in Onthe dot ezine On 1st March 2023 The History of Curses We all have read or seen Ramayana and Mahabharata in books or television. We thoroughly enjoyed all episodes, glory and stories of Shri Rama and Ravana, and about the  Kauravas and Pandavas. You may have consciously accepted the fact of miracles you have seen in the story. Especially, the curses given by sages and seen them getting executed too, whether it is Ahilyadevi being turned into stone with the curse of her husband Rishi Gautama or the curse from parents of Shravan Kumar to King Dashrath to die while he is separated from his sons or the Curse from Queen Gandhari to Shri Krishna, his clan and generations to be completely destroyed. We have seen those curses turning true. Did your mind accept this truth ? Didn’t your thirsty mind shout for not quenching the answers to such miracles? Do you have any answers? If no, read this article for the thorough answers !!...

Sustainable Development and Jainism

  Sustainable Development and Jainism This article is published in On the dot ezine II II "Sarva Mangal Mangalyam, Sarva Kalyan Karanam  Pradhanam Sarva Dharmanam, Jainam Jayati Shashanam II Meaning : For the Auspiciousness of all the auspicious, eliminating all the negativity for the cause of  ultimate bliss for all the souls, not limited to human beings or animals, but for all the living beings including, but not limited to Air, Water, Light, Vegetation, Earth. Hence such belief system for the benefit of every soul, has to be considered as supreme religion of all the religions, stated by The Jinas (“Jina“= the One who attains liberation from all the material and non-material possessions attached to his soul and reaches the Ultimate Happiness. Jinas developed the path of ultimate liberty and created a holy place, we call it Tirth and the creator is known as Tirthankara) Today, the entire world feels the need to defend ...