Sustainable Development and Jainism
Sustainable Development and Jainism
This article is published in On the dot ezine II
II "Sarva Mangal Mangalyam, Sarva Kalyan Karanam
Pradhanam Sarva Dharmanam, Jainam Jayati Shashanam II
For the Auspiciousness of all the auspicious, eliminating all the negativity for the cause of ultimate bliss for all the souls, not limited to human beings or animals, but for all the living beings including, but not limited to Air, Water, Light, Vegetation, Earth. Hence such belief system for the benefit of every soul, has to be considered as supreme religion of all the religions, stated by The Jinas (“Jina“= the One who attains liberation from all the material and non-material possessions attached to his soul and reaches the Ultimate Happiness. Jinas developed the path of ultimate liberty and created a holy place, we call it Tirth and the creator is known as Tirthankara)
Today, the entire world feels the need to defend and develop the solutions to the global problems which are about sustenance of current and future socio-economic requirements along with diminishing resources and increasing technologies. Every country is contributing towards sustainable development.
Within India, there are lots of religions preaching love, harmony and justice. Jainism, the religion for countless millennia practices the development of Human being towards attaining ultimate liberation from the cycle of birth and death. As a result of such path and preaching, a by-product is derived which is nothing but, today’s goals of sustainable development.
Let us glance on few aspects of Jainism contributing towards major sustainable development goals:
Good Health and well-being:
Jainism preaches non-violence, Compassion, peace and harmony. This gives a very potential rise to individual and to the society in terms of development of the society as a whole. The consumption of food and physical exercise are the most important aspects of having a good health and well-being. Jainism is a science which made its study through micro levels on living organisms and discovered the foods that are good to consume along with complete denial of consumption of many edible things, harmful for mind body and soul. The study also involves the proportions of food to be consumed, along with the set time of consumption between sunrise and sunset. The water filters are attached to every tap in a Jain household to ensure clean water consumption as a part of healthy drinking water. Their fasting mechanism is incredibly super healthy and also gives a thought of preventing yourself from the sin of killing super micro-organisms. During such fasting known as Beyasanu, Ekasanu, Ayambil, Neevi, Upvas, Chhath, Attham, Attathai, Solbhattu, Masakhsaman, Varshitap, Vardhaman tap, etc… and many more. With every ’Tapa’ (Penance) there are physical activities known as “Kriya” to be performed, are physical, and mental exercises. So, in all, if these preaching are made universal, the consumption of Junk food, Drugs, Alcohol, over eating, can be eliminated and at the same time the common diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, Flu etc. can be easily avoided.
Jainism dives in micro details about equality, not limited to gender, but extended to all the living beings are considered as souls of the same strata. Jainism focuses on Karma which results in reincarnation as earth, water, air, fire, vegetation as Ekindriya Jeeva (the living organisms with one sensory organ). The worms (Earth worms etc.), Seashell, Counch etc are known are Beindriya Jeeva, (The organisms with 2 sensory organs). The Ant, bedbugs, termites etc are known as Teindriya Jeeva (The organisms with 3 Sensory organs) Spider, Grasshopper, butterfly, centipede, Scorpion etc are chourindriya jeeva (The Organisms with Four sensory organs). Human beings, and all the wild and domestic animals are a part of Panchindriya Jeeva (The Organisms with five sensory organs). While the world is facing discrimination based on gender, caste, creed, skin colour, social status of rich and poor, education, work profile, etc., Jainism defies all of it and considers equal right to attain nirvana for all the ‘Jeevas’ and hence Jainism is not a religion based on inheritance, but adopting to the lifestyle and belief system to bring the society as close as possible. If Jainism becomes a part of study material in every country, almost all sustainable development goals are just around the corner.
Compassion is at the root of any religion, Jainism is not limited to welfare of Jains only, but to all we can reach for their prosperity and development. the Jains believe in helping another Jain cannot be considered as help, but considered as Sadharmik bhakti (the worship of someone who is on the path of liberation). There are types of ‘Daan’ (Donations)written in their scriptures and inculcated into their moral responsibilities as ‘Kartavya’ (duty) includes donations for the needy. it could be an institution, individual seeking help for education, Work, food, clothing and shelter etc. Many jain personal institutions and business houses are giving free education, free food, loans, donations etc. Jains were the first to come forward and extend their help during any natural calamities in and out of the country, not to forget the recent Covid-19 tragedy. Jains are considered amongst the most efficient and frequent donors in the world.
Peace and justice: There are 18 ‘Paapsthanak’ (The 18 sources of sin)
1. Pranatipaat (Violence, killing, slaughter, etc)
2. Mrushavad (Falsehood)
3. Adattadaan (Stealing, Theft, Robbery etc)
4. Maithun (Sexual enjoyment)
5. Parigraha (Gathering wealth)
6. Krodh (Anger)
7. Maan (Ego / Arrogance)
8. Maya (Being deceptive)
9. Lobh (Greed)
10. Raag (Attachment)
11. Dwesh (Hatred/ Grudge)
12. Kalah (Quarrels / Tiffs)
13. Abhyakhyan (False Accusations)
14. Paishunya (False Gossip, Backbiting)
15. Rati-arati (to get pleased or displeased with trivialities)
16. Par-parivad (Condemnation / blame games)
17. Maya- Mrushavad (Humiliations or Spreading rumours)
18. Mithyatvashalya (Believing in false doctrines)
There are schools attended by most Jains from their childhood teaching them a lifestyle avoiding 18 sources of sins mentioned above. If you look at any or all of them, they are well knitted to develop a person who is just not well mannered or well behaved, but also who can contribute in making a harmonious society of well-founded standards. Terrorism is the result of poor education, greed, unethical beliefs, false doctrines etc and is detrimental to world peace, harmony and humanity. The core Ideas of Jainism can bring the world together and happiness may prevail as standard.
There are 17 goals to work upon for socio-economical, ecological, environmental future of the globe. I would like my voice and ideas to reach the leaders and office bearers of United Nations and thereby cascading it to all the countries and reaching every human being, some day. There is a lot more to add by way of adaptation of principles of Jainism, but this article is just a micro drop in the ocean. I sincerely request to all my readers to absorb some of these and execute it. It would be your contribution to the globe and mother earth may shower all her happiness as boons to humankind. Remember, with all that we do, Mother earth is most affected and the consequences could be terrifying for us and more dangerous for coming generation.
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